Visit of AMSCC delegation to the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association (HSA)

On the 1st of July 2022, representatives of Athens Multinational Sealift Coordination Center (AMSCC) and the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association (HSA) met in the offices of HSA located in Piraeus, in the context of changing of Command in AMSCC.

Particularly , the Director of AMSCC Captain Antonios Niros HN and the Liaison Officer of the Hellenic Coast Guard, Captain Anastasios Zaimis, discussed with the HSA President J. Cotzias and new members of the Board of Directors, comprised of Vice President A. Pavlou, General Secretary D. Kittes, Director Y. Kourkoulis and “Subject Matter Expert” of ships’ chartering, according to the Road Map of Cooperation between AMSCC-HSA, A. Papadopoulos, about the enhancement of their collaboration.

Furthermore, the two sides talked about the promotion of common interests in the maritime sector including the chartering procedures, the management of cargo orders and the global impact of the pandemic and war between Ukraine and Russia on the strategic sealift.

The participants pledged to meet again soon for further promote of their cooperation.