Visit of the Delegation of the United Arab Emirates to the Athens Multinational Sealift Coordination Center (AMSCC)

Following the bilateral Staff talks between the Hellenic Navy and the United Arab Emirates Νavy on the 28th of June 2022 a delegation of the UAE visited the AMSCC’s premises.

After being welcomed by the AMSCC Director, Captain (HN) Antonios Niros, the UAE Delegation was briefed by the AMSCC’s Deputy Director, Commander (ITN) Alessandro Stocco, on the AMSCC’s mission, capabilities and activities, as well as on the challenges and latest developments of the Center.

During the discussion that followed the UAE Delegation showed a sincere interest in exploiting a potential cooperation with AMSCC, posing many questions and also requesting additional material in order to provide a more comprehensive report to its capital.